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Posh Brats Aromatherapy Bath Bomb - Collagen Kiss Anti-Ageing

Embrace and love your skin but fight ageing every step of the way with this skin-loving blend of exotic oils, vitamins, sea minerals, and marine collagen. Not your average bath bomb formulae, this one has added Marine Collagen, Magnesium, Vitamins A, C, E, oils of almond, argan, coconut, and sea buckthorn with essential oils of sandalwood, ruby grapefruit, geranium, jasmine, and tangerine. These are intended for adults only and are a luxury high-end product for anyone serious about skin care and giving their skin a spa treatment of moisture and active anti-ageing ingredients. They may look simple but the results are anything but. Aromatherapy, Spa Soak, Mineral Bath, Epsom Salt, Magnesium, Dead Sea Salt, Wellness, Health, Naturopathy, Wild Harvesting, Detox
