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Old World Christmas Camera Glass Ornament

Photography is one of the most popular hobbies today. Camera technology has allowed amateurs to spectacularly capture moments and images with professional quality. Celebrate the photographer in your family whether it be mom, dad or a professional with this camera ornament.

  • Size: 4"h 
  • Material: glass 
  • by Old World Christmas 

About Old World Christmas: Each figural glass ornament produced for The Merck Family's Old World Christmas is hand crafted in age-old tradition using the same techniques that originated in the 1800's. Molten glass is mouth-blown into finely carved moulds available only to the Merck Family's Old World Christmas, before a hot solution of liquid silver is poured inside. The ornaments are then hand-painted and glittered in a series of labor-intensive steps to achieve the beautiful creations. 
